Creditors’ Rights and Bankruptcy
Feel confident in a turbulent economic environment.

Serving financial institutions and businesses nationwide.
Because world markets and the United States’ economy often surprise us, it is vital for creditors to have experienced, accountable legal representation. If faced with a borrower or client in financial turmoil, creditors should be ready to enforce their rights and protect their interests. Stuart & Branigin bankruptcy attorneys are prepared to provide representation, guidance and counsel to commercial banks, credit unions, businesses and other financial institutions in Indiana and beyond.
Our bankruptcy attorneys also advise our business, nonprofit and institutional clients on creditors’ rights matters and provide counseling to various clients relating to consumer loans and commercial indebtedness.
Stuart & Branigin bankruptcy lawyers can assist with the following:
- Actions against borrowers and guarantors
- Real estate foreclosures
- Enforcement of remedies under security agreements, mortgages, assignments of rent and personal property leases
- Workouts and collections of problem commercial loans and trade credits
- Prevention and defense of lender liability claims
- Enforcement of creditors’ rights in bankruptcy proceedings and defense of avoidance and preference actions